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One to One Coaching

What is it?

An interactive person-centred relational process in which an experienced, skilled and accredited coach works individually with you as a client.

One to One coaching offers opportunities for you to gain deeper and more specific learning, support and challenge – working with your individual needs, difficulties and opportunities. Coaching typically also helps you to increase self-awareness of motives, personal abilities, values and impact.

How it works

You have a series of conversations (coaching sessions - each typically lasting 1 to 2 hours.) that help you become clearer about what you really want, would like to address and need to pay attention to. Working with a coach - you explore ways in which you can make progress towards what you are aiming for - personally and / or professionally:

  • Coaching may help you to become clearer about and then make progress towards an important question or desired goal that you may be "struggling" with
  • The role of the coach varies depending on where you are at and what your coaching requirement is. Typically coaching starts with helping to create a "safe and brave" conversational space that is in tune with your needs as an individual ‘coachee’
  • Coaching may involve observation, feedback and reflection - explored in relation to your professional and personal contexts
  • The sessions may be free-form and emergent or more structured and evolving as best fits your learning style and coaching needs
  • Coaching work may draw on information from various tools and sources - including for example 360 feedback processes, psychometric tools, stakeholder mapping and interviews, personal journaling and reflection exercises
  • The coach may help you as a client to surface and better appreciate / work with:
    • relevant data that helps to identify and highlight the important issues
    • significant patterns of thinking, practices, behaviour that are characterise your engagement and impact
    • insights and learning about what may be helping or hindering you in making progress towards your desired goals and intended outcomes
  • Each coaching subsequent session may build on a previous one, connecting with what has happened and changed in your situation, behaviour, practice and relationships / experiences, impact as the coaching evolves
  • You have repeated opportunities to translate, make sense of and integrate insights gathered through the sessions and experiences in between sessions.